Land and Water Conservation Board

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Land and Water Conservation Board connects local and state governments on conservation and farmland preservation issues. The board:

  • Reviews county land and water plans and makes recommendations

  • Recommends how the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection should allocate conservation funds to counties

  • Provides a forum to discuss emerging soil and water conservation issues

The LWCB has 11 members: three each from county land conservation​ committees and state agency leaders, one Governor-appointed member serving a two-year term, a​nd four​ Governor-appointed members representing urban, rural, river management and natural resource​ preservation inter​ests. Mark Cupp is the current chair.   

2024 Meetings 

To join a LWCB meeting remotely, follow the instructions and link in the applicable meeting agenda. 

October 1 LWCB 

Meeting Packet ​​

September 3 LWCB Advisory Committee on Research 

Meeting Packet ​​

August 6 LWCB 

Meeting Packet 
State of Wisconsin Nutrient Reduction Strategy ​
Preliminary Allocation- DATCP Presentation | DNR Presentation ​
Meeting Minutes

July 2 LWCB Advisory Committee on Research 

Meeting Packet 

​​Meeting Minutes

June 4 LWCB 

Meeting Packet​
Meeting Minutes​ 

April 2 LWCB 

​​​​Agenda ​
Meeting Packet 
Meeting Minutes​ 

March 5 LWCB Advisory Committee on Research 

Meeting Packet ​​                                                                                                                                                              Meeting M​inutes

February 6 LWCB

Meeting Packet ​​
​​Measuring the Impact of Nutrient​ M​anagement Planning on Surface Water Quality in Wisconsin ​| Presentation​
​Meeting Minutes 

January 9 LWCB Advisory Committee on Research 

​Meeting Packet​ ​
Meeting Minutes