SWRM Grant Program for Counties

​​​​​​​​ATCP 50 ​Rule Changes Update Inf​orm​​ation
New practices, updated rule provisions, how to access funding, and more​

​Please make ​sure you are utilizing the latest form versions avai​​lable in Grant Resources Section 2 and Section 3​​​


Contour strip cropsThe Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) awards annual Soil and Wat​er Resource Management (SWRM) grants to co​unty conservation committees and other cooperators. These grants assist in funding county conservation staff and cost-share conservat​ion practices installed by producers with assistance through their county​. Participating counties have an allocation process for these grants approved by DATCP. The process is outlined in the SWRM grant resources below.

​​​​S​​​W​RM Grant Resources

The links below contain policies, procedures, cost-share forms, examples, allocation documents, and other critical information to administer SWRM​ grants and apply for reimbursement.
​​​​Section 1 – So​il and Wate​r Resource Management​​​ (overview and ATCP 50 information)​​​
Section 2 – Policies and Procedures​​
​​Section 3 - Forms and Data Sheets
Section 4 - Reimbursement Cost-Share Practice Examples
Section 5 - Non-DATCP Documents​​​
Section 6 - Annual Allocation​

Grant recipients sign and follow a contract with their county. County and other cooperators utilize the forms included​ in the links above to receive cost share grant reimbursement. Grant funds must be spent in the year DATCP allocates them, although DATCP may extend cost-share funds an additional year for specific projects.

DATCP revises guidelines annually for auditors to verify how counties spend state grant funds. Counties must file annual reports on their conservation activities. DATCP and the  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources jointly prepare an annual progress report on Wisconsin Soil and Water Conservation.

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