Commercial Fertilizer Dealers

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To distribute fertilizer products in Wisconsin you must:

  • Have an annual license, valid October 1-September 30. The license fee is $30/year. This year, a $10 ACCP surcharge is also due for each license, for a total of $40 due; if the license location is located in Wisconsin and distributes bulk fertilizer, an additional $12.50 is due, for a total of $52.50. Details about the surcharge are available here. ​

  • Annually report tonnage and pay tonnage​ fees of $0.62/ton of fertilizer distributed in Wisconsin.

  • For products that also contain soil and plant additive substances, obtain a soil or plant additive license and permit​ for the product​​

Current license holders will receive ren​ewal packets by mail, including forms to report tonnage, in August. 

Current license holders can follow these instructions​ and download renewal materials below. Updated forms will be posted in ​August.

New applicants can follow these instructions and download application materials below.​​

For products that also contain liming materials, obtain a Liming Materials License for the product.


New fertilizer​ lice​nse applic​ation

Commercial Fertilizer License Renewal Appli​cation​

Permit to distribute nonagricultural or special-use fertilizer​​

Commercial tonnage repor​t form

Fertilizer and soil or plant additive export certificate of free sale application​​

Fertilizer or Soil or ​Plant Additive Organic Exemption Form​​​

Non-Agricultural and Special-Use Fertilizer Permits

If you distribute low-analysis fertilizers, you will need either a non-agricultural or special-use permit. Low-analysis fertilizers have less than 24 percent N-P-K. These permits remain in effect until you change the product's label or formulation. The permit fee is $25/permit, a one-time charge.

  • Non-agricultural fertilizers are used on gardens, lawns, golf courses, greenhouses and nurseries and other non-farm uses, and for research.

  • Special-use fertilizers are for product labeled for remedying nutrient deficiencies unique to certain crops or local areas

  • You may also need a soil or plant additive license and permit​ if the fertilizer product also include substances that claim to improve plant growth, crop yield or quality, or soil properties.

Organizations Providing Fer​tilizer-Related Resources

Cooperative Netwo​rk 

Wisconsin Agri-Business Association

Association of American Plant Food Control Officials

The Fertilizer Institute

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