Wisconsin Retail Food Safety

​​​The Wisconsin Food Code provides legal information on Wisconsin's laws for all food-related administrative codes. Below are resources for food safety compliance in retail establishments including fact sheets, training webinars, meat establishment presentations, and updates on specialized topics like the safe use of foraged wild mushrooms in licensed retail food settings.​

Food C​​ode Fact ​Sheets

Visit the Food Code F​act Sheet page to download f​act​ sheets that simplify the legal language found in the Wisconsin Food Code.​

Wild Mushrooms

​DATCP recently adopted a newer version of the FDA Food Code which includes updated language on wild mushrooms. The new requirements — which were part of the rule revision in 2020 and will take effect in January 2024 — allow a licensed retail food establishment to use foraged wild mushrooms as a food or ingredient if: 

  • They are a product of, and are received from a licensed retail food establishment or food processing plant, or; 
  • If the retail food establishment has received ap​proval by DATCP to do so. 

DATCP grants approval if the following documentation can be provided to inspection staff: 

  • The wild mushrooms are obtained from a forager who has taken a mushroom identification course from an accredited college, university, or a mycological society. 
  • A copy of this documentation shall be made available to the department or its agent upon request. 

The Wisconsin Mycological Society has created a mushroom identification course that is now available. Beginning January 2024, retail food establishments that purchase foraged wild mushrooms must do so from a forager who has taken a wild mushroom identification course from an accredited college, university, or a mycological society, and maintain a copy of the documentation onsite. Additional information and certification courses can be found at the following websites:

Wisconsin ATCP 75

​​​​Fact sheets​:

Training webinars: ​

These four prerecorded webinars are designed to provide information about the changes to ATCP 75 and the ​Wisconsin Food Code.​​​

Retail Food Establishments and Meat Operations

These videos provide comprehensive guidance for retail food establishments, covering licensing requirements for meat operations, essential equipment and certified food protection manager (CFPM) obligations, preparation tips for retail food inspections, and key datemarking, variance, and HACCP plan regulations for special retail processes. 

Access the FAQ which address common industry questions on these topics.