Administrative Rules


The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) promulgates administrative rules pursuant t​o rulemaking authority conferred by the Legislature. Administrative rules have the force and effect of law and become part of the Wisconsin Ad​ministrative Code. View all current Department Administrative Rules in effect.


An agency undertakes rulemakin​g when it seeks to create new rules, or to amend or repeal existing rules. Rules must be promulgated according to a process established by the Legislature in ch. 227, Stats., by the Governor's Executive Orders, and by Court rulings. An overview of the administrative rules promulgation process can be found in Chapter 4​ of the Wisconsin State Legislature Briefing Book.

View Proposed Department Rules in Promulgation Process. View current proposed administrative rules that are scheduled to be presented to the Department Board. 

If there is an immediate threat to the public peace, health, safety or welfare, the Department may adopt a temporary emergency rule according to special procedures prescribed by the Legislature.  

Publi​c Comment

​The Department welcomes input from the public during the development of administrative rules. Public comments can be submitted to​ or 2811 Agric​ulture Drive,​ PO Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911.

Active Rules


​Relating to

​Info link

​Rule type

VE 1

SS 109-23 


​Animal Disease and Movement
SS 014-24 

​Animal Markets, Dealers and Truckers
​SS 015-24 

​ATCP 22

​Industrial​ Hemp

EmR 2111​


​ATCP 29
​Pesticide Use and Control
SS 082-24

ATCP ​52

Creating a commercial nitrogen optimization pilot program
SS 043-24


ATCP ​52
​Providing crop insurance premium rebates for planting cover crops
SS 044-24​
ATCP ​52

​Producer Led Watershed Protection Grants
SS 046-24

​ATCP 57

​Inedible Animal By-Products

​CR 23-003


​ATCP 72

​Hotels, Motels and Tourist Rooming Houses

​​SS 010-23



​Safety, Maintenance, and Operation of Public Pools and Water Attractions

​CR 22-021



​Recreational and Educational Camps

CR 21-109



​Bulk Milk Collection, Sampling and Transportation

SS 011-23


ATCP 90, 91, 92

​Fair packaging and Labeling; Selling Commodities by Weight, Measure or Count; and Weights and Measures

​​SS 073-22


ATCP ​92

​Weights and Measures
SS 068-24​

ATCP ​93

​Flammable Combustible Hazardous Liquids

SS 009-23​


ATCP ​94

​Petroleum & Other Liquid Fuel Products

CR 21-096


ATCP ​​16​1

​Something Special from Wisconsin

​SS 016-24


​Rulemaking Advisory Committees

Under state law, the Department may convene committees of experts, interested in person or representatives of the public to Advise it with respect to any contemplated rulemaking.

​Active Rulemaking Advisory Committees​

​ATCP 72 Rule Revision Advisory Committee

ATCP 82 Rule Revision Advisory Comm​ittee​

Public Comment​ on Economic Impact of Proposed Administrative Rules

Economic Impact comments, are being solicited on proposed rules listed below and comments may be submitted to​ or 2811 Agriculture Drive, PO Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911.​