Continuing education is required for workers to stay current with the latest developments, skills, and new technologies required for their fields. Veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and others who work with animals are also required to attend training or continuing education to comply with laws, remain licensed or certified, or maintain membership in an association or licensing body.
At various times throughout the year, professionals from the Division of Animal Health present continuing education and training seminars to keep you abreast of industry changes and innovations so you don't lag behind.
On this site, you can find one-time and ongoing workshops, seminars, and other continuing education programs for veterinarians and humane officers. You can also order the forms used in your regulatory work.
2025 Trainings
For VPAP Members:
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
In the workplace, unresolved conflict can negatively impact the individuals involved, other team members, and the organization as a whole by affecting productivity and morale. The approach you take to managing conflict determines whether stress or opportunities for growth will be created. This seminar will examine various types of conflict and provide participants with a model for successfully resolving conflict at work.
When: January 15, 2025 12:00-1:00 p.m.