For information about the recent settlement with Berrada Properties Management Inc., access DATCP’s
frequently asked questions (FAQ) webpage.
Bureau Home / Landlord–Tenant

| The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) is Wisconsin's primary consumer protection agency. Wisconsin law provides a legal framework for the relationship between landlords and tenants. Many disputes between landlords and tenants can be avoided if both parties understand their legal rights and responsibilities. The Bureau of Consumer Protection provides resources to educate the public on these issues.
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New! Berrada Settlement: Access frequently asked questions about the Berrada Properties Management Inc. settlement and the State of Wisconsin.
Landlord–Tenant Guide
DATCP's Landlord–Tenant Guide answers common questions about the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in simple language. This resource provides landlords and tenants with answers to commonly asked questions about landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities in simple language. The information is intended to help landlords and tenants avoid common problems and resolve them when they do occur. It is not intended to be comprehensive or a substitute for legal advice.
Tenants' Rights and Responsibilities
As a tenant in Wisconsin, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities. Access the
Tenants' Rights and Responsibilities fact sheet to learn about considerations you should make before you rent, while renting, and before terminating a tenancy, as well as details about eviction and unhealthy or unsafe conditions.