Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grants

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) provides funding to producer-led groups that focus on nonpoint source pollution abatement activities through the Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grant Program (PLWPG).

Program Goal:  To improve Wisconsin's soil and water quality by supporting and advancing producer-led solutions that increase ​on-the-ground practices and farmer participation in local watershed efforts.

Grants provide support to groups to deliver cost share programs, on-farm demonstration and research projects, and education and outreach efforts on conservation systems and in​novative practices that improve water quality to farmers and other community members within their local watersheds.​

​For an enlarged map with a list of group names, click here.

Producer-Led Grants Funding Summary 2016-20​25

At a glance grant requirements:

  • At least five farmers within the same watershed

  • At least one collaborator: county land conservation, UW-Division of Extension, WI DNR, nonprofit organization

  • ​Max award $40,000 per group​

Program Contact​​​

Dani Heisler
Producer-Led Program Manager
(608) 640-7270

Randy Zogbaum​
Soil Health Specialist​
(608) 590​-7357​
