If you are certified as a pesticide applicator in a different state, you may receive a reciprocal certification and license that allows you to apply pesticides as a commercial or private applicator without taking a Wisconsin exam if you:
Are a resident of the state where you are certified;
Are certified in a category equivalent to a Wisconsin category;
Have passed a closed-book exam in the past five years with a 70 percent score or higher;
Are able to apply restricted-use pesticides;
Don't have any conditions or restrictions on your certification in your home state;
Are employed by a business holding an active Wisconsin pesticide application business license, if you are applying as a for-hire commercial applicator.
Licenses are good for one year, January 1-December 31, and cost $115 ($75 for certification and $40 for license).
Look for your state below to see if you can reciprocate in Wisconsin.
If you do not qualify for a reciprocal certification and license, you can visit our Commercial
Certification and Licensing page for more information.
Wisconsin does not accept CEU credits.
Want to save money and get your license sooner? Get certified in Wisconsin by purchasing training materials and testing online or at one of hundreds of Pearson Vue testing centers. Apply for a Wisconsin Individual Commercial Applicator License ($40 annually) or a Reciprocal License ($115 annually.)
Total five-year cost of Wisconsin Certification and License: $295.
Total five-year cost of Reciprocal License: $575.
Have additional questions? Check out our FAQ page
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