Livestock Feed and Pet Food


The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) licenses commercial feed manufacturing and distribution. This includes livestock feed, pet food - including homemade pet treats, and feed ingredients. Regul​ation protects the human food chain and animal health, protects consumers against fraud, and provides businesses with an even playing field.

​Commercial Feed Licensing and Tonnage Reporting 

To distribute commercial feed products, a license is required. 

  • License year is March 1 through February 28
  • License fee: $25
  • Tonnage fees: $50 or $0.25 per ton of feed distributed in or into Wisconsin, whichever is greater.​​ 
For more information, visit ​our Commerical Feed Licensing and Tonnage Reporting page.

​​​Additional Resources 

Bureau of Agrichemical Management overview

Medicated feeds 

Veterinary feed directives

Feed certificates of free sale​​​​

Making pet treats for sale

List of Wisconsin feed-testing laboratories​

Using spent grains from distilling and brewing for feed

Organizations, agencies and other reference materials

Webinar Recordings

Commercial Feed Tonnage

Pet Food and Treats (dogs and cats)

Non-medicated Feed (includes human food byproducts, single ingredients, and specialty pet foods)

Medicated Feed
