Agricultural Impact Statements (AIS)

​The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) prepares agricultural impact statements (AIS) for public projects th​at affect farm operations in Wisconsin. A public project is one where the party in charge - the project initiator - is vested with the powers of eminent domain, also called condemnation authority.​ Examples of project initiators include local governments, state agencies, and utilities.​ Examples of public projects include roads, airports, electric transmission lines, pipelines, parks and wastewater treatment plants etc.​​

When an AIS is required, DATCP will analyze the various impacts a public project will have on individual farms, identify the acreage potentially lost or affected, and convey the concerns of agricultural landowners. The AIS document will also recommend ways to reduce potential project impacts to farms, and may be useful in negotiations between the land owner and project initiator.

Introduction to Agricultural Impact Statement Program
​Click for an introduction to the AIS program. 

Current Agricultural Impact Statements

​When notice of an agricultural impact is required

​Project initiators are required to notify DATCP of any project involving the actual or potential exercise of the powers of eminent domain affecting a farm operation​. Project initiators seeking State Stewardship, Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) or Federal Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding are advised to contact DATCP regarding proposed projects prior to making a grant application to the DNR. Depending on the acreage of impact to any one farm operation, project initiators should review the list of notification alternatives below: 

  • Projects taking more than 5.0 acres from any one farm operation: Project initiators must complete the appropriate agricultural impact notification (AIN) forms. AIN forms can be accessed from the "Notification Forms" button located under the resources section below.
  • Projects taking 1.0 to 5.0 acres from any one farm operation: Project initiators should review the Non-Significant Acquisitions and Summary AIN document to determine the if a summary AIN is suitable to meet the project notification requirement. 
  • Projects taking less than 1.0 acre from any one farm operation: Project initiators should review the Non-Significant Acquisitions and Summary AIN document to determine if the project meets qualifications to be considered a “Non-Significant Acquisition” by DATCP.
Questions on selecting the appropriate notification alternative? Please contact the AIS program at (608)224-4650 or for assistance.

​When we prepare agricultural impact statements​

An agricultural impact statement is required when:

  • The project initiator is vested with the powers of eminent domain, and
  • The project will take more than 5 acres from any one farm, regardless of land ownership

Exemptions: Town road projects, and electric transmission line projects carrying less than 100 kilovolts and recreational trail projects are exempt under Wis. Stat. Ch. 32. Projects awarded WisDNR Stewardship Grant funding are exempt under NR 51.006(3)(e), Wis. Admin. Code​​.  

An agricultural impact statement may be prepared when:

  • The project initiator is vested with the powers of eminent domain, and 
  • The project would significantly affect a farm, even if it takes five acres or less from any one farm, or
  • The project is located within the boundaries of a city or village, but would still significantly affect a farm.