The dairy industry has a large impact on Wisconsin's economy and culture. At DATCP, our goal is to ensure consumers can trust the safety and availability of milk and other dairy products.
The Division of Food and Recreational Safety (DFRS) handles licensure and inspections to make sure dairy farms, producers, and transporters meet state and federal regulations that keep dairy products safe for the public. We also have resources for people across the dairy industry, including technical assistance, standards development, and evaluation.
Territory maps and contact information for Dairy Services staff are listed under the “Contact Us" section of this page. For general questions, contact your sanitarian. For technical questions related to equipment or plan reviews, contact your Dairy Technical Specialist (DTS). For questions related to the PMO or NCIMS programs, contact the Milk Sanitation Ratings Officers (MSRO) at DATCPFSMSRO@wisconsin.gov. For questions related to laboratories or laboratory analysts, contact the Laboratory Evaluation Officers (LEO) at DATCPLEO@wisconsin.gov. For licensing related questions, please review the Resources for Dairy, Food, and Restaurant Licensing linked above the contact information.
DFRS Dairy Resources
Sign up to renew your bulk milk weigher and sampler license! Inspections will be held in August and September 2024 at fairgrounds across the state. Visit our
Bulk Milk Weigher and Sampler Inspection Signup page for more information or to sign up.
Dairy Initiatives & Organizations
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I send the pasteurizer broken seal report?
Complete the broken seal report form and submit it to
When is my next inspection?
Notifications for your next inspection are sent via letter in advance of the inspection. You also may reach out to
DATCPECDairy@wisconsin.gov with questions. Include the legal entity name listed on the license, farm address, and what information you are requesting.
Why did my inspection frequency change?
You should have received a letter detailing this change with a contact number for any questions. You also may reach out to
DATCPECDairy@wisconsin.gov. Include the legal entity name listed on the license, farm address, and what information you are requesting.