Apiary (Honey Bee) Program

​The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection's Apiary Program works with commercial, migratory, sideliner and hobby beekeepers to prevent the introduction and spread of honey bee pests and diseases. apiary.jpg

We certify honey bee colonies leaving the state and inspect incoming honey bee colonies. While honey bee hive registration is not required in Wisconsin, those importing honey bees or used beekeeping equipment into Wisconsin must report those shipments in advance. More information is available on our Moving Bees Into Wisconsin page. Check the Additional Resources linked on this page for information about our free apiary inspections, our apiary newsletter, beekeeping regulations, managing pests and diseases, and selling honey. We also have helpful links to honey producers' associations, local bee clubs, and more.

Visit our Pollinator Protection page to read the Wisconsin Pollinator Protection Plan to find out what you can do to help honey bees and other pollinators. The plan outlines the best management practices aimed at gardeners, farmers, beekeepers, and restoration specialists.