Consumer Protection Presentations

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The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) is Wisconsin's primary consumer protection agency. Its Bureau of Consumer Protection gives free presentations to the public through webinars, workshops, conferences, and stand-alone events to groups including business and professional organizations, law enforcement agencies, seniors, students, military members, and general consumers.​​

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DATCP is committed to protecting ​Wisconsin consumers and businesses. Because the first line of defense against fraud is knowl​edge, the Bureau of Consumer Protection provides information on Wisconsin’s consumer laws and how to identify, stop and avoid fraud​. Learn more about upcoming consumer protection presentations below, and schedule a presentation for your community or business organization today.
3/5 at 1:15 p.m.
Brown Deer Senior Citizens Center
Common Scams
3/5 at 5 p.m.
Madison, WI: Bayview Community Center
Consumer Protection for Young Adults
3/6 at 10 a.m.
Waukesha, WI: Southminster Presbyterian Church
Common Scams
3/6 at 5:30 p.m.
Stratford, WI: Marathon County Public Library
Landlord-Tenant Issues
3/12 at 12 p.m.
Plymouth, WI: Generations Intergenerational Center
Safe Online Shopping
3/12 at 5:30 p.m.
Minocqua Public Library
Landlord-Tenant Issues
3/12 at 6 p.m.
Cedarburg Public Library
Online Awareness for Children
3/13 at 10 a.m.
Oconomowoc, WI: Shorehaven Senior Living
Identity Theft
3/17 at 10 a.m.
La Crosse Public Library
Identity Theft
3/18 at 10 a.m.
Milwaukee, WI: McGovern Park Senior Center
Common Scams
3/19 at 10 a.m.
Oconomowoc, WI: Shorehaven Senior Living
Safe Online Shopping
3/19 at 6 p.m.
Howard, WI: Brown County Library
Landlord-Tenant Issues
3/25 at 11 a.m.
Merrill, WI: ​Merrill Enrichment Center
​Safe Online Shopping
​3/25 at 1 p.m.
Merrill, WI: ​Merrill Enrichment CenterCommon Scams
​3/25 at 6 p.m.
Clinton, WI: Clinton Senior Center​​Home Improvements
​3/26 at 1 p.m.
​Lodi, WI: Reach Out Lodi
Common Scams
3/27 at 10 a.m.
​Milwaukee, WI: Sherman Park Coffee Shop
Identity Theft
​3/27 at 12 p.m.
West Allis, WI: Apostle Presbyterian Church
Identity Theft

More details coming soon!

T​​o schedule a Bureau of Consumer Protection presentation, or to request educational material for a community event, fill out the online Consumer Protection Outreach Request Form or contact DATCP's Consumer Protection Hotline.​ Provide details about your event such as date, time, and location; the number of expected audience members; and what topic(s) you would like us to talk about​. The Bureau of Consumer Protection will respond to your request within one week. 

The Bureau of Consumer Protection offers presentations on the following topics which can be expanded for more information​. These descriptions can also be viewed in PDF format​.​

Identity theft continues to be the fastest growing crime in the United States. The more you learn about it, the less vulnerable you are. The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will explain the different types of identity theft, how to recognize it and how to prevent it – including information about Fraud Alerts and Security Freezes. Receive tips for safeguarding personal information and how to recover from Identity Theft. Helpful brochures will be available​.


The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will discuss the details of common scams that target seniors, the warning signs of a scam, and what to do if you or someone you know falls victim to a scam or fraud. Helpful factsheets from the Bureau of Consumer Protection will be available.


The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will present information on landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities under Wisconsin law. Many Wisconsin residents live in rental housing. As a landlord or tenant in Wisconsin, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities. As part of the presentation, landlord and tenant resources will be available.


The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will present information on Home improvement practices and contracts under Wisconsin law. Wisconsin residents sign home improvement contracts every day to make improvements to their homes and property. It is important to understand the consumer protection laws that are in place to protect you before you enter into this type of contract. As part of the presentation, you will learn about tips on hiring a contractor, contractor requirements, and required contract provisions. Home improvement resources will be available to all attendees.


The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will discuss the details of common scams, the warning signs of a scam, and what to do if you or someone you know falls victim to a scam or fraud. Helpful factsheets from the Bureau of Consumer Protection will be available.


Business identity theft is a growing crime in the United States. In 2019, Dun & Bradstreet saw more than a 100% increase in business identity theft. For 2020, the company estimates an overall 258% spike in the crime. The more you learn about it, the less vulnerable you and your business are. The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will explain the different types of business identity theft, how to recognize it, and steps to take to protect your business.​


You spend a lot of time building your business. But, if all of your hard work falls into the wrong hands, it can affect your reputation, your bottom line, your customers and your employees. The more you and your employees learn about scams and fraud that target small businesses, the more protected your business will be. The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will discuss the different types of scams and fraud, how to help prevent it, steps you can take to help protect your business, and what to do if you become a victim of a scam.​


​There were over 1800 reported data breaches in 2021 – with millions of records exposed. Understanding the common causes of Business identity theft and data breaches is the first line of defense in protecting your company and valued customers. The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection offers a presentation on data security and data breach awareness to help you with identifying data security risks within your business. They will review recent data breaches, common causes and why small to medium size businesses are targeted. They will also share ways to identify risks within your company and how to minimize them. Finally, they will share best practices for establishing data privacy and security policies for your business.


​The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will discuss safe practices for children while accessing the internet. Children often have access to the internet at home, school, or even a friend’s house and they access the internet on a variety of different devices. Parents should be aware of their children’s online activities to help keep them safe. Topics will include online gaming, downloading apps, sharing photos, and clicking on links. Consumer protection will also discuss laws that give parents control over what information a business can collect on a child and how that information can be used.


​The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will present information on Motor Vehicle Repair contracts under Wisconsin law. Many Wisconsin Consumers own vehicles that will eventually fail and need to be repaired or replaced. It is important to understand the consumer protection laws that are in place to protect you before entering into this type of contract. As part of the presentation, you will learn tips on selecting a repair shop, ordering parts to fix on your own, and even purchasing a replacement vehicle.


The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will present information on identity theft, landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities, and motor vehicle contracts. This presentation is specifically designed for young adults who may be, for the first time in their lives, getting a credit card, renting an apartment, or dealing with a vehicle repair. As a consumer in Wisconsin, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities under Wisconsin law.


Online shopping presents an opportunity for consumers to purchase practically anything quickly and conveniently. The internet has many fake ads, fraudulent websites, and scammers trying to take your money and give you nothing in return. Consumers can have a safe online shopping experience, as long as they protect themselves. Helpful resources from the Bureau of Consumer Protection will be available.


Identity theft continues to be the fastest growing crime in the United States. Our members of the military can be particularly vulnerable to this crime while serving overseas. The Wisconsin Bureau of Consumer Protection will explain the different types of identity theft, how to recognize it and how to prevent it – including information about Military Fraud Alerts and Security Freezes. Receive tips for safeguarding personal information and how to recover from Identity Theft. Helpful brochures will be available.​