La oficina / Alertas y noticias para el consumidor
| El Departamento de Agricultura, Comercio y Protección al Consumidor (DATCP, por sus siglas en inglés) es la principal agencia de protección al consumidor de Wisconsin. Su Oficina de Protección al Consumidor educa a los consumidores sobre las mejores prácticas para combatir y evitar estafas, fraudes y prácticas comerciales injustas. El personal de DATCP está disponible para brindar a los consumidores y empresas recursos de manera gratuita, de igual manera, también responder sus preguntas y asistirle si ha perdido dinero o datos personales debido a un robo.
Inscríbase para recibir noticias y alertas para los consumidores (información en inglés).
Access this page in English.
Alertas y noticias 2025
28 de marzo de 2025: CONSUMER ALERT: Overdue Toll Scams Target Wisconsin
13 de marzo de 2025: Attending the 2025 Draft? Three Scams to Avoid
27 de febrero de 2025: Why do Weights and Measures Matter to Wisconsin Consumers?
20 de febrero de 2025: Attorney General Kaul, DATCP Launch FAQ Page for Those Impacted by Settlement with Milwaukee Landlord Berrada Properties Management
6 de febrero de 2025: Las 10 quejas de mayor incidencia por parte de los consumidores de Wisconsin en 2024
Alertas y noticias 2024
December 20, 2024: Scammers Impersonate DATCP, Target License Holders
December 2, 2024: Giving Tuesday: Protect Your Charitable Donations
December 2, 2024: Gift Cards are for Giving, Not for Scams
November 25, 2024: Protect Yourself from Holiday Scams
November 25, 2024: Holiday Toy Tips: Consider Safety and Avoid Scams
November 19, 2024: DATCP Announces Settlement with Roundy’s for Product Weight and Labeling Violations
October 25, 2024: CONSUMER ALERT: Extortion Emails Sent to Wisconsin Consumers
September 30, 2024: Cybersecurity Awareness Month is Here! What Will You Do?
August 5, 2024: It's Moving Season! DATCP Issues Tips on Top Complaint Category
July 2, 2024: DATCP and WDVA Celebrate Military Consumer Protection Month
May 30, 2024: Consumer Alert: Public Service Commission Impersonated by Scammers
May 22, 2024: Don't Hire Storm Chasers for Property Damage Repairs
April 16, 2024: Attorney General Kaul Announces Airline Passenger Protection Partnership between Wisconsin and U.S. DOT (Wisconsin Department of Justice)
March 26, 2024: Join DATCP, DFI, and Savi for a Student Loan Repayment Webinar on April 9
March 13, 2024: Plan Ahead to Protect Your Vacation
March 13, 2024: AG Kaul Announces $2.5 Million Judgment Against Timeshare Exit Company and Refunds For Wisconsin Consumers (Wisconsin Department of Justice)
March 4, 2024: Consumer Protection Week: DATCP Has Your Back
February 27, 2024: Weights and Measures Week: DATCP Ensures Accurate Prices and Measurements
February 9, 2024: Don’t Hire Storm Chasers for Property Damage Repairs
February 1, 2024: Top Ten Consumer Complaints Reported to DATCP in 2023
January 29, 2024: Identity Theft Awareness Week: Tips from DATCP and DOR
Alertas y noticias 2023
December 21, 2023: Consumer Alert: Scammers Impersonating Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
December 4, 2023: Gift Cards: A Scammer's Favorite Holiday Present
November 27, 2023: Giving Tuesday: DATCP and DFI Promote Charity Fraud Awareness
November 20, 2023: Don't Play Games with Toy Safety
November 20, 2023: Shop Online Safely this Holiday Season
November 20, 2023: DATCP’s Helpful Tips for Holiday Shoppers
November 20, 2023: DATCP Announces Settlement with Dollar General for Price Accuracy Violations
October 30, 2023: Join DFI, DATCP, and Savi for a Student Loan Repayment Webinar on November 7
September 28, 2023: October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month in Wisconsin
September 8, 2023: Consumer Alert: Tree Removal Scammers Reported After Storms
September 8, 2023: Consumer Alert: Traveling Asphalt Crews Reported in Southeastern Wisconsin
August 8, 2023: DATCP Provides Reminder on Rental Housing Rights and Responsibilities
August 1, 2023: DFI, DATCP, & Savi Host Online Student Loan Workshop on August 15
July 20, 2023: Need Storm Damage Repairs? Choose a Trustworthy Contractor
July 18, 2023: Wisconsin and Law Enforcers Nationwide Announce Enforcement Sweep to Stem the Tide of Illegal Telemarketing Calls to U.S. Consumers
July 10, 2023: Wisconsin OCI, DFI, and DATCP Alert Consumers to Misleading Home Warranty Mail Solicitations
June 28, 2023: July 2023 is Military Consumer Protection Month
May 3, 2023: Double Check Your Mother's Day Arrangements
April 25, 2023: Choose a Trustworthy Contractor for Storm Damage Repairs
April 21, 2023: DATCP, DOA Warn Wisconsin Dispatch Number 'Spoofed' By Scammers
April 14, 2023: Prepare for Severe Weather With Tips From State Agencies
April 6, 2023: DATCP and Attorney General Kaul Announce $75,000 Judgement Against Manufactured Home Community Operators for Unfair and Illegal Rental Practices
March 27, 2023: Prevent Identity Theft During Spring Vacation with DATCP's Travel Tips
February 2, 2023: DATCP's Top Ten Consumer Complaints of 2022
January 30, 2023: DATCP and DOR Observe Identity Theft Awareness Week
Violaciones de datos
Una violación de datos ocurre cuando una parte no autorizada accede a los datos privados de una organización. Esto podría exponer datos confidenciales como nombres y direcciones de clientes, números de Seguro Social, registros confidenciales y más. Desafortunadamente, pone a las personas afectadas en riesgo de robo de identidad.
DATCP mantiene un archivo de infracciones reportadas al Departamento o que la Oficina de Protección al Consumidor ha identificado de forma independiente que afectan a los consumidores de Wisconsin. Si su información se filtró en una violación de datos, puede considerar el monitoreo de crédito u otras medidas para reducir su riesgo de robo de identidad. Algunos de estos servicios pueden ser ofrecidos de forma gratuita por organizaciones afectadas por una violación de datos.
Diez quejas de mayor incidencia de los consumidores
Como principal agencia de protección al consumidor de Wisconsin, el Departamento de Agricultura, Comercio y Protección al Consumidor (DATCP) recibe decenas de miles de solicitudes de asistencia y recursos cada año. En 2022, DATCP trabajó para resolver más de 11,000 quejas de consumidores, llegó a acuerdos con éxito en varias investigaciones y devolvió millones de dólares a los consumidores de Wisconsin. Cada primavera, la Oficina de Protección al Consumidor publica su lista de las "10 quejas de mayor incidencia" presentadas por los consumidores durante el año calendario anterior.
Archivo de alertas al consumidor
Encuentre las alertas para los consumidores de años anteriores.
December 20, 2017: Fake DATCP "Invoice" Emails Making the Rounds
October 16, 2017: Diesel-Tainted Gasoline Distributed in Wisconsin
September 26, 2017: Don't "Hangout" with Fake Job Scammers
September 14, 2017: Equifax Data Breach: Phone Scams are the Next Risk
September 8, 2017: Equifax Data Breach: What Do You Do Now?
August 31, 2017: Mostly Timeshare Resale Fraud Targeting Wisconsin Consumers
August 4, 2017: Beware of Online Rental Scams
July 24, 2017: Consumer Protection Hotline Subjected to 'Spoofing'
June 29, 2017: Fake Amazon Order Cancellation Emails Making the Rounds
June 19, 2017: Another Day, Another IRS Phone Scam Variation
June 6, 2017: Fake DATCP Emails Circulating
May 11, 2017: Fake We Energies Calls Targeting Small Businesses
April 28, 2017: Taxpayers Reporting Fake, Threatening Wisconsin Department of Revenue Calls
April 6, 2017: The IRS Will Not Call and Threaten You
March 14, 2017: Don't Get Swept Away in Sweepstakes Scams
January 5, 2017: Wisconsin Consumers Report Auto "Warranty" Robocalls