Agricultural Impact Statements: Timeline

​​This is the timeline that project initiators can expect when they plan construction that will require an agricultural impact statement:

  1. Project initiators provide written notification to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection when they have enough information to describe the project's purpose and scope, and to know which land owners will be affected -- even if they do not plan to condemn property. If the project initiator has condemnation authority, DATCP should be notified.
  2. DATCP has 60 days to prepare an agricultural impact statement, from the date when all the required information has been provided.
  3. DATCP publishes the statement after the project initiator has paid for the costs of preparing it.
  4. DATCP provides hard copies or electronic files of the statement to government agencies, legislators and other interested parties. Statements for larger projects are also posted on the department website. 
  5. The project initiator can begin negotiating with farm owners 30 days after publication.