The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection has prepared agricultural impacts statements (AIS) for the following natural gas pipeline projects in Wisconsin. Past natural gas pipeline project AIS documents can be accessed by clicking the
AIS Publication Archive under the Additional Resources sidebar.
Projects that contain a “PSC Docket" link indicate that the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) has regulatory authority over the project. Click the PSC Docket link, where listed, to be directly taken to the project docket information on the PSC website.
Utilities may also communicate project updates, developments, and interactive maps for larger electric projects on a separate website. Where available, these project specific utility websites are linked.
EITM Natural Gas Lateral Racine County (DATCP #4249)
Proposed construction of an approximately 4 mile long 12-inch pipeline within the villages of Mount Pleasant and Sturtevant. The project serves natural gas to customers within the Foxconn Electronics Information Technology Manufacturing zone. As such, this project is exempt from PSC review.
Lakeshore Capacity Improvement Natural Gas Pipeline: Racine and Kenosha counties (DATCP #4255,
PSC ID #6630-CG-137)
Proposed construction of an approximately 7 mile long 24-inch and 2 mile long 12-inch pipeline within the village of Mount Pleasant and town of Yorkville. The project
is located partially within the Foxconn Electronics Information Technology Manufacturing zone.
Lakeshore Lateral Natural Gas Pipeline: Walworth, Kenosha, and Racine counties (DATCP #4262, PSC #6630-CG-138)
Proposed construction of an approximately 50 mile long of 24-inch pipeline along route A through Walworth, Kenosha and Racine counties.
Plymouth to Chilton Natural Gas Replacement Pipeline: Calumet, Manitowoc, and Sheboygan counties (DATCP #4251,
PSC ID #6690-CG-174)
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation proposal to build 45 miles of 8-inch and 10 miles of 6-inch pipeline in the cities of Chilton, New Holstein, and Kiel and the towns of Chilton, Brothertown, Charlestown, New Holstein, Schleswig, Rhine, Plymouth, and Sheboygan Falls.
Rochester Lateral Pipeline (DATCP #4622, PSC ID #6630-CG-139)
WIsconsin Electric Gas Operations (WE-GO), doing business as We Energies, proposes to construct a new 33-mile natural gas transmission pipeline of 24-inch and 30-inch steel 650 pounds per square inch gauge maximum allowable transmission main in the towns of Brighton, Dover, and Norway and the villages of Rochester, Raymond and Caledonia, and the cities of Oak Creek, in Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee Counties
Whitewater Lateral Natural Gas Pipeline Project: Walworth County (DATCP#4463)
Proposed construction of an approximately 2 mile long 12-inch diameter natural gas pipeline from the Bluff Creek Station in the Town of La Grange, Walworth County to Whitewater Gate Station in the Town of Whitewater, Walworth County.
Wisconsin Reliability Project: Central and Southeastern Wisconsin (DATCP#4466, FERC CP23-15-000)
Proposed expansion of an existing interstate natural gas pipeline and associated pipeline & compression facilities in Lincoln, Manitowoc, Marathon, Oconto, Outagamie, Portage, Sheboygan, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca and Winnebago Counties, Wisconsin.
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