Nutrient Management Farmer Education Grants


​​​​​​​​​​​​The application period for Nutrient Management Farmer Education Grants is open January 31-April 15, 2024.​

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection provides nutrient management farmer education (NMFE) grants to local organizations to teach farmers to develop their own nutrient management plans.

Tier 1 funding, $25,000 maximum

Provides nutrient management training to producers and plan writers to develop 590-compliant nutrient management plans. Tier 1 funding can be used for participant payments to complete soil testing or to attend training, as well as for administrative, training, and support costs.

Tier 2 funding, $3,000 maximum 

Offers nutrient management training and education but developing a 590-compliant plan isn't required. Tier 2 funding can be used for administrative, training and support costs as well as stipends for implementation reviews. ​


Applications are accepted annually beginning January 31 of every year with applications due no later than April 15 of that same year. 


2025 NMFE Office Hour

This webinar provides a brief overview of the Nutri​​ent Management Farmer Education Grant program and changes to the 2025 application, as well as a question-and-answer session​.


2024 NMFE Grant Webinar

This webinar outlines the requirements of the 2024 NMFE grant, including information on forms and FAQs.


2023 NMFE Grant Webinar

This webinar details the requirements of the 2023 NMFE grant, including information on forms and FAQs.​


Nutrient Management Training Curriculum

This webinar will walk through how to use the new online self-paced NMFE curriculum module and discuss how it can be used in training farmers to write their own nutrient management plans. DATCP will also provide guidance​e on how to certify farmers that use the virtual curriculum.


Virtual Nutrient Management Training Curriculum