Bureau Home / Consumer Guides and Resources

| The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) publishes and maintains several guides to connect consumers with the information and resources they need. To learn more about landlord-tenant issues, who to contact with specific questions about hundreds of topics, or general consumer information, download a free PDF or request a physical copy by mail.
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Consumer Guide
DATCP’s Consumer Guide is a trusted source of information on consumer issues and scams that the state’s residents face every day. The Consumer Guide contains over 40 pages of information to help Wisconsin consumers navigate conflicts, identify scams, and find tips and best practices.
Learn how to identify and avoid impostor scams, identity theft, international lottery fraud, transient “storm chaser” repair contractors, phishing, fake employment opportunities, and more. The Consumer Guide also includes information on general consumer protection topics like rental housing, how and when to file a complaint with DATCP, protecting your personal and private information, and the Wisconsin Do Not Call Registry.
While a wide range of subjects are covered in the Consumer Guide, the content in each topic section is adapted from a longer, more comprehensive DATCP fact sheet. Specific fact sheets are available on DATCP's Consumer Tips and Information webpage.
Landlord–Tenant Guide
DATCP's Landlord–Tenant Guide answers common questions about the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in simple language. The guide is intended to help both parties in rental agreements avoid common problems and resolve them when they do occur. It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide or substitute for legal advice. Find more information on DATCP's Landlord–Tenant webpage.
Ready Reference Guide
DATCP's Ready Reference Guide includes more than 200 pages of useful consumer contacts. Examples include local, state, and federal agencies, Wisconsin district attorneys, and Better Business Bureau offices.
The Bureau of Consumer Protection urges consumers to check the Ready Reference Guide before contacting the Consumer Protection Hotline. There are many products and industries that DATCP is responsible for processing complaints about, but some complaints and inquiries are better directed to another agency. The Ready Reference Guide contains a table of contents that will direct you to the proper contact information for each topic.
Request a Copy by Mail
If you wish to receive a printed version of any of DATCP's consumer protection guides, fact sheets, or handouts, contact the Consumer Protection Hotline by phone at (800) 422-7128 or by email at DATCPHotline@wisconsin.gov. The Bureau of Consumer Protection's mailing address is:
DATCP Bureau of Consumer Protection
PO Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911