The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below will be updated by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) with more information about the administration of the settlement terms as it becomes available. Last updated on February 28, 2025.
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What was the Berrada Properties Management, Inc. lawsuit about?
To learn more about the lawsuit and claims alleged, please review the November 16, 2021, DOJ
press release. To learn more about the recently announced settlement, please review the December 18, 2024 DOJ
press release.
I was/am a Berrada tenant. Will I receive restitution? How can I find out?
The restitution payments to current and past tenants will take some time to finalize. Current and former tenants since 2015 do not need to do anything to be considered for restitution; your tenancy is automatically being considered. Tenants before 2015 are ineligible for restitution. Tenants who qualify for restitution will hear directly from either Berrada Properties Management, Inc. or DOJ. However, tenants will not receive a payment if the balance of restitution owed is less than the balance of legally valid unpaid rent owed prior to the Court signing the consent judgment. You may contact DOJ at if you want to verify that any contacts you receive are legitimate.
How can I get the rental assistance described in the settlement?
You must be a current tenant of Berrada Properties Management to receive rent assistance through the settlement. The Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center will be administering the rent assistance and awarding grants to qualifying tenants. That process will start after March 1, 2025. You can get more information on the rental assistance program by contacting the
Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center by email, at, or by phone at (414)-895-7368.
Are there any other rental assistance programs or benefits available to renters?
Yes, in addition to rental assistance, the settlement provides that Berrada Properties Management will offer an income-based rental program for up to 300 qualifying tenants for a period of three to five years.
The settlement also provides for an eviction diversion program whereby tenants at risk of eviction will receive notice with information about resources to help avoid eviction. The eviction diversion program includes move-out assistance payments to qualifying current tenants who can no longer pay rent to assist them in moving before the filing of an eviction proceeding. The program allows for up to $400,000 in total move-out assistance payments to qualifying tenants.
These programs will start on March 1, 2025. You can get more information on both programs by contacting the
Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center by email, at, or by phone at (414)-895-7368.
Can you provide more information on the income-based rental program work?
Berrada Properties Management has agreed to allocate up to 300 dwelling units in the City of Milwaukee for an income-based rental program as part of the settlement. Tenants participating in the program will have rent set at 30 percent of the tenant's verifiable income for a period of 12 months. Tenants will be eligible for a second 12-month period if the tenant pays their rent on time and remains eligible. To be selected to participate in the program, applicants must meet the income-based eligibility requirements. Tenants must also meet other requirements including income verification, and take steps such as attending training sessions, ensuring steady income, regularly paying their portion of the rent, participating in case management, and completing recertification if eligible for the second year.
Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center will administer the program and will offer support services to participants during and after the program. The Resource Center will screen for eligibility and select program participants.
How does the eviction diversion program work?
When a tenant has missed one month's rent payment in full by more than five days, Berrada Properties Management will send a notice to the tenant that they may be at risk of eviction and provide information about eviction diversion services. This information will include contact information for the Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center (Resource Center). If the tenant gives permission, Berrada Properties Management will also notify the Resource Center about the notice to the tenant.
If a tenant makes contact, the Resource Center will help the tenant try to resolve the unpaid rent. This includes screening for available rent assistance and helping those tenants that qualify execute a payment agreement or voluntary agreement to vacate to avoid an eviction. Berrada Properties Management has agreed NOT to file evictions for unpaid rent until the first day of the month following the month during which they sent the notice. Berrada Properties Management will not file an eviction the following month if, before the start of the month, the unpaid rent is paid (including through rent assistance), or the tenant provides Berrada Properties Management a payment agreement or voluntary agreement to vacate.
Does the settlement call for the sealing of eviction records?
The agreement calls for qualifying eviction judgments to be presented to the court to be vacated and sealed, which means they would be removed from the public record. There are approximately 3,250 qualifying eviction judgments in Milwaukee and Racine counties, all of which occurred between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2020. The evictions to be sealed have been identified and presented to the court. Due to the volume of evictions, it will likely take several months for the courts to review these lists and seal them. The approximately 3,250 judgments presented to the court are the only ones that Defendants have agreed shall be sealed through this settlement; the settlement does not allow for the sealing of additional eviction judgments.
What should I do if I already have a complaint filed against Berrada Properties Management?
If you have an open complaint with DATCP about Berrada Properties Management, you can contact DATCP directly to find out the status of the complaint. You can contact DATCP by phone at (800) 422-7128, by email at, or by mail at:
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
2811 Agriculture Drive
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
Can I join the lawsuit?
The lawsuit was between the State of Wisconsin and Berrada Properties Management and Joe Berrada. Individual tenants were not parties to the lawsuit.
Even though tenants are not party to the lawsuit, some tenants will receive restitution through the settlement. Tenants eligible for restitution will be contacted directly by Berrada Properties Management or the State of Wisconsin.
Can I file my own lawsuit?
The State's enforcement lawsuit against Berrada Properties Management and Joe Berrada does not take away a tenant's individual right to file their own lawsuit.
A tenant may file their own claims against Berrada Properties Management and Joe Berrada. A tenant may want to speak to
legal counsel to learn more about their own legal rights.
I am having issues with Berrada Properties Management. Can I file a complaint?
If you are experiencing an ongoing issue with Berrada Properties Management, you may
file a consumer complaint with DATCP.
I am having issues with a landlord other than Berrada Properties Management. Can I file a complaint?
If you are experiencing an ongoing issue with another landlord, you also may
file a consumer complaint with DATCP.
What happens to my complaint about a landlord once I submit it?
DATCP will contact you once Consumer Protection staff have reviewed your complaint—typically within one week of receiving it. As noted on the complaint form, Consumer Protection staff will typically then share the complaint with your landlord to try to resolve the issue.
Please note that filing a consumer complaint is not the same process as filing a lawsuit.