Beginning January 1, 2022, hemp growers will be licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and hemp processors will no longer require a license.
Beginning January 1, 2022, the DATCP hemp program is discontinued. This webpage is for informational purposes only and is not regularly updated.
Data as of December 13, 2021
The information below is also available in
PDF format.

A license was a one-time license for the duration of the research program, and an annual registration was issued for one year at a time. A license holder was required to have a license and a current annual registration to grow or process in a given year. A grower with a current annual registration could process the hemp that they grew without an additional processor license and registration.
2021 Growing Season (as of 10/4/21)
Hemp reported planted, anticipated acres, and number of locations by county.
The numbers below are an estimate and are subject to change.
*Insufficient to maintain non-disclosure of licensee(s)