U.S. Domestic Japanese Beetle Harmonization Plan
In 1998, the National Plant Board developed the U.S. Domestic Japanese Beetle Harmonization Plan. The purpose of the plan is to assure that Japanese beetle pest risks are managed by adopting and implementing uniform measures across the U.S.
Under this plan, nursery growers that ship potential beetle host material (with the exception of bare root stock) from Japanese beetle-infested areas are responsible for complying with certification requirements of destination states. Each state falls into one of four regulatory categories. Each category has particular nursery certification options associated with it to mitigate risk of Japanese beetle spread between states. The four regulatory categories are listed below.
Category 1- Uninfested/Quarantine Pest (red states on map below)
Category 2- Uninfested or Partially Infested/Regulated Non-Quarantine Pest (yellow states on map below)
Category 3- Partially or Generally Infested/No Regulatory Significance (green states on map below)
Category 4- Historically Not Known to be Infested/No Regulatory Significance (gray states on map below)
Wisconsin is designated a Category 3 state, which means we are generally infested with Japanese beetle. If you ship nursery stock out of Wisconsin to a Category 1 (red) or 2 (yellow) state, you will need a Japanese Beetle Compliance Agreement (JBCA) that outlines the measures you undertake to prevent the spread of Japanese beetle to receiving states.

There is NO FEE to set up a Japanese Beetle Compliance Agreement. If you think you need a Japanese Beetle Compliance Agreement, please contact us for more information.