Specialty Crop Block Grants

Notice on Federal Funding ​

As of early March, 2025, DATCP is awaiting federal action on Specialty Crop Block Grant funding. We will share information via our website and email channels when available. Subscribe for email updates​.​

​​Wisconsin non-profit organizations, producer organizations, government agencies, universities and other agricultural groups are encouraged to apply for Specialty Crop Block Grant Program ​funds when funding periods are open. DATCP seeks applicants ​that will enhance the comp​etitiveness of Wisconsin's specialty crop industries in domestic and foreign markets.​

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program funds ar​e to be used to benefit the entire specialty crop industry as a whole and not provide direct profit to a specific organization, insti​tution or individual.

Specialty crops are defined in law as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture. A more comprehensive list of eligible specialty crops is at: US Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Program.​​

An informational webinar on providing an overview of the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program was held on February 8, 2024. Presentation slides and a recording of the webinar can be found below.

2024 Specialty Crop Block Grants Webinar Presentation Slides​​

​Past Announcements

December 27, 2023: DATCP Accepting Applications for Specialty Crop Block Grants through February 27

December 18, 2023: Wisconsin Specialty Crop Block Grants Awarded for 15 Projects

December 5, 2022: DATCP Accepting Applications for Specialty Crop Block Grants through February 27

September 9, 2021: DATCP Accepting Applications for Second Round of 2021 Specialty Crop Block Grants

March 9, 2021: DATCP Releases Request for Proposals for Specialty Crop Block Grants

December 16, 2020: Wisconsin Specialty Crop Block Grants Awarded for 19 Projects​​