Notice on Federal Funding
As of early March, 2025, DATCP is awaiting federal action on Specialty Crop Block Grant funding. We will share information via our website and email channels when available.
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Wisconsin non-profit organizations, producer organizations, government agencies, universities and other agricultural groups are encouraged to apply for Specialty Crop Block Grant Program funds when funding periods are open. DATCP seeks applicants that will enhance the competitiveness of Wisconsin's specialty crop industries in domestic and foreign markets.
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program funds are to be used to benefit the entire specialty crop industry as a whole and not provide direct profit to a specific organization, institution or individual.
Specialty crops are defined in law as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture. A more comprehensive list of eligible specialty crops is at: US Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Program.
An informational webinar on providing an overview of the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program was held on February 8, 2024. Presentation slides and a recording of the webinar can be found below.
2024 Specialty Crop Block Grants Webinar Presentation Slides
Past Announcements
December 27, 2023: DATCP Accepting Applications for Specialty Crop Block Grants through February 27
December 18, 2023: Wisconsin Specialty Crop Block Grants Awarded for 15 Projects
December 5, 2022: DATCP Accepting Applications for Specialty Crop Block Grants through February 27
September 9, 2021: DATCP Accepting Applications for Second Round of 2021 Specialty Crop Block Grants
March 9, 2021: DATCP Releases Request for Proposals for Specialty Crop Block Grants
December 16, 2020: Wisconsin Specialty Crop Block Grants Awarded for 19 Projects