Veterinary Accreditation
Open to veterinarians needing accreditation in Wisconsin
Tuberculosis (TB) Training
Certification for veterinarians and veterinary students who will conduct TB testing in Wisconsin
| Monday, March 31, 2025: 5 - 7:00 p.m. (in-person at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, and virtual) Tuesday, July 1, 2025: 1 - 3:00 p.m. (virtual) Wednesday, August 15, 2025: 5 pm - 7 pm (virtual) Thursday, October 31, 2025: 9 - 11 a.m. (virtual)
Virtual trainings are held via Zoom.
Pre-registration is required for both in-person and virtual trainings. Please contact the Program Associate at (608) 224-4718 to register, and download the video conference software in advance.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Sampler Certification
Online training for veterinarians and farm-raised deer owners to become certified samplers for CWD testing
To access the webinar you must first apply and pay for the certification.
Payment by credit card: Visit
MyDATCP and select the CWD product number for either veterinarian or owner.
Payment by check/money order: Fill out the correct paper application below, print, and mail it with your payment.
Ongoing Training Opportunities
Veterinary Accreditation
In order to conduct regulatory work, such as official tuberculosis (TB) testing and signing certificates of veterinary inspection, veterinarians must also be accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Before being accredited, you must complete an accreditation seminar in the state where you practice. You may also need certifications specific to the state where you practice.
The Wisconsin office of the USDA-Veterinary Services and the Division of Animal Health for DATCP offer this seminar twice a year: An evening session at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and a later session, usually at DATCP’s Madison headquarters. The additional certification training may be online or in-person.
Find out more about our accreditation seminars
Cervid TB Training
USDA and DATCP require that sample collection for the cervid TB serologic test be performed by approved cervid TB accredited veterinarians. Veterinarians must complete USDA training on sample collection and test submission for the Cervid TB Dual Path Platform (DPP) test before being authorized to submit samples for testing. Veterinarians interested in becoming approved providers can start by reviewing the Implementation Presentation and presentation materials.
TB DPP certified veterinarians
Johne's Disease Veterinary Certification
This training is conducted online through the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine's continuing education website.
CWD Sampler Certification
In order to qualify to collect regulatory samples for diagnosing CWD from Wisconsin farm-raised deer, you must be one of the following and complete a CWD test sampler training:
- A veterinarian who is Wisconsin certified, Category II USDA accredited
- A farm-raised deer owner, immediate family member, or an employee of a farm-raised deer keeper’s deer farm
CWD test sampler training consists of an electronic presentation followed by a hands-on wet lab training session conducted by a district veterinarian. Owner samples are submitted by a certified veterinarian to an approved lab.