Nutrient Management Training Series Now Available!
DATCP's Nutrient Management team has put together a five-webinar training series on nutrient management in Wisconsin. To access the series, click here.
Online Trainings
| SnapPlus Training: How to Add a SnapPlus Database File to an EmailThis short tutorial
will walk you through how to add a SnapPlus Database file as an attachment to
an email.
| SnapPlus Training: Utilizing the Grazing Estimator ToolThe focus of this training is on the grazing estimator tool in SnapPlus. This tool helps users who have grazing animals account for the manure that the animals are depositing on the landscape. We will demo how to build grazing herds and how to apply grazing herd manure to individual fields.
| SnapPlus Training: Utilizing the Rotation Wizard ToolThis is a webinar on utilizing the rotation wizard tool in SnapPlus. The rotation wizard is an incredibly helpful tool that makes bulk changes to crop information, applications, and rotations settings with ease.
| SnapPlus Training: Utilizing the Nutrient System Tool
This is a webinar on utilizing the nutrient system feature in SnapPlus. The nutrient system feature is a great way to reduce time spent entering in individual nutrient applications. We will demo how to build your own nutrient systems, how to add nutrient systems to individual fields, and how to build groups to apply a nutrient system to.
| SnapPlus 101This webinar is an overview on utilizing the SnapPlus software to write a 590 compliant nutrient management plan. We will walk through each tab of the program and build a nutrient management plan step by step.
| Understanding the 590 ChecklistThis online webinar walks through the Wisconsin 590 Nutrient Management Checklist and shows how the SnapPlus program automatically fills out portions of the checklist for users. This webinar is meant to help county land conservation staff who are reviewing Nutrient Management Plans and Checklists. |
| Nutrient Management for GraziersThis online training webinar focuses on the basic concepts of soil fertility management in Wisconsin and covers the material required to write your own grazing and pastures nutrient management plan for participation in conservation programs. |
| 2023 Nutrient Management Update MeetingThis webinar is a recording of the 2023 Nutrient Management Update Meeting where we heard from DATCP, NRCS and NPM staff on all things nutrient management.
DATCP staff shared reported 2022 nutrient management numbers, NRCS staff shared nutrient management related updates within NRCS, and NPM discussed targeted educational initiatives to address the stagnating cropland acres covered by nutrient management plans. Lastly, we shared tips and tricks when writing nutrient management plans in the SnapPlus software.
| SnapPlus and Nutrient Management 101This webinar is an introduction to Nutrient Management Planning and SnapPlus. During this webinar you will learn the “Why” behind nutrient management, requirements for writing a plan, and how to use SnapPlus to write a nutrient management plan. From the first time SnapPlus user to the seasoned user, this webinar will be a great overview of the Wisconsin Nutrient Management Program.
| SnapPlus Advanced: Learning Tips and TricksThis webinar will dive more in depth into helpful tools with in SnapPlus that help speed up the plan writing process. It is advised to watch the SnapPlus and Nutrient Management 101 Webinar first if you are fairly new to nutrient management planning.
| How to Review a Nutrient Management Plan and 590 ChecklistThis webinar will dive into reviewing Nutrient Management Plans and the accompanying 590 Checklist. This webinar will help get a better understanding of nutrient management compliance requirements.
| Virtual Nutrient Management CurriculumThis webinar will walk through how to use the new online self-paced NMFE curriculum. The webinar will walk through the virtual module and discuss how it can be used in training farmers to write their own nutrient management plans. DATCP will also provide guidance on how to certify farmers that use the virtual curriculum.
Online Nutrient Management Training Curriculum
| Introduction to SnapPlus 101This webinar will cover the general requirements for a Nutrient Management Plan and how to use the SnapPlus Program to write a Nutrient Management Plan. This training is directed towards beginner users of SnapPlus.
Nutrient Management Regional Meetings
Annual Nutrient Management Regional Meetings were held in August and September 2023. To watch recordings of these regional training presentations and view presentation materials, visit the Nutrient Management Regional Trainings page.
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