Johne's Disease Risk Assessment & Management Plan

​The Risk Assessment and Management Plan, or RAMP, was developed to provide a systematic approach to assessing and prioritizing the risks associated with spreading Johne’s disease on the farm. In cooperation with you, the producer, a Johne’s disease certified veterinarian will study and rate key areas of management on your farm. 

Information gathered during the risk assessment is evaluated by you and your veterinarian to determine which current management practices have the highest risk on your operation. This allows you to most effectively use available resources and incorporate existing business goals in building a realistic plan to decrease the chances you will spread this disease.

Cattle and goat producers can choose to participate in the Wisconsin Johne's Disease Control Program by working with their Johne's certified veterinarian to complete a risk assessment and herd management plan. Although the program is voluntary, the RAMP is required to be performed every three years to participate in the program at the management level, to maintain herd classification (in addition to required testing), and to maintain eligibility to vaccinate against Johne's disease (only for cattle). 

One major advantage of incorporating new management practices to decrease your risks of Johne’s disease is that these practices also help to decrease your risks of other diseases transmitted through manure or colostrum/milk.