Pesticide Use with Fish

​Rotenone is the generic name of a chemical that may be used to kill unwanted fish. Products containing rotenone are restricted-use pesticides, meaning that they must be applied by a certified private pesticide applicator or a licensed commercial pesticide applicator certified in aquatic applications.

Private pesticide applicators may use restricted-use pesticides on property they own or lease to produce an agricultural commodity, which includes fish production. Because the training materials and exam for private applicators are geared to the typical Wisconsin agricultural producer, and do not concentrate on aquaculture, many fish farmers find the subject matter covered by the commercial aquatic applicator category more suitable.

For additional information about certification:

Private applicator certification

Commercial applicator certification

You should also check with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to verify environmental permit and WPDES permit requirements​ to use rotenone and other pesticides on fish farms and other aquatic environments.

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