Attending Events Outside Wisconsin

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a federal order effective April 29, 2024, requiring a negative Influenza A virus test for lactating dairy cattle moving across state lines, with a sample collection date within seven (7) days prior to movement. This order includes interstate movement of Wisconsin lactating dairy cattle to other states to attend fairs, shows or other events. For further information on highly pathogenic avian influenza in cattle, visit the DATCP web page on HPAI in Cattle.

Beyond the above, Wisconsin does not have additional export requirements for animals leaving the state. Please contact the state or nation of destination and the event organizers to learn about their requirements.​

There are rules for Wisconsin animals returning after participating in a show or event in another state: 

  • Lactating dairy cattle can return to the Wisconsin premises of origin with no additional influenza A testing if the​ event lasts no more than 10 days.​
  • Except as noted below, if an animal meets the import requirements of the state of destination and returns, without changing hands, to the Wisconsin premises of origin while the certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) is still valid, the animal may return on the same CVI. 
  • If the CVI has expired, or if you are moving lactating dairy cattle and the event lasts more than 10 days, the animal must meet the testing and paperwork requirements for its species and the state from which it is returning.

Rules for Wisconsin Swine Returning After an Exhibition in Another State

You must meet the import requirements of the sale or show and the state of destination. Contact us prior to returning to Wisconsin. You may contact us prior to leaving to have a herd plan developed prior to the out of state show to avoid a quarantine upon return. These swine can return on the same CVI, if valid, that accompanied the animal out of state. If the CVI has expired, the animal must meet the regular testing and paperwork requirements for swine. Learn more about swine movement.

Rules for the Minnesota State Fair

You must meet the import requirements of the sale or show and the state of Minnesota. There are no additional requirements for the animals to return to Wisconsin. The previous requirements for quarantine and additional TB testing are no longer in effect as of October 2010.

Rules for Cattle and Goats Going to Michigan's Modified Accredited zones

​Wisconsin cattle and goats attending events in Michigan's modified accredited zone (this includes Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency, and Oscoda counties) and returning without a change in ownership must meet specific rules in order to return to Wisconsin. These rules apply only to the federal modified accredited zones in Michigan. They do not apply to the federal TB-free zone. 

If the show or class requires all the Michigan cattle/goats to meet Wisconsin’s TB testing import requirements – negative individual TB test within 60 days of import regardless of age AND negative whole-herd TB test within 12 months for all animals one year and older – Wisconsin animals may return from the event without being quarantined or TB-tested.

If the show or class does not require all the Michigan cattle/goats to meet Wisconsin’s TB testing import requirements, any Wisconsin animals returning from the event must be:

  • quarantined to the Wisconsin premises to which they return
  • TB-tested between 60 and 90 days after the date of return
    • With a negative TB test, the animals are released from quarantine
    • Only the animals that attended the Michigan event are confined to the property by the quarantine; other animals may leave the premises
    • During the quarantine, animals returning from the event in Michigan may be comingled with the non-event animals on the premises but comingling is at the owner’s risk

Cattle and goats purchased at a show or sale in Michigan's modified accredited zone that does not require all the Michigan cattle/goats to meet Wisconsin's TB testing import requirements must​ mee​​t the regular import requirements by species.