Develop Your Work Ethic
Text: Life on the farm teaches work ethic. Looking to build your future in agriculture? Someone from the Wisconsin Farm Center can help you get started.
To learn more about the Wisconsin Farm Center, visit or call (800) 942-2474.
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Start Small
Text: A career in agriculture can be extremely rewarding. Contact the Wisconsin Farm Center for help starting your farm business.
To learn more about the Wisconsin Farm Center, visit or call (800) 942-2474.
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Continue Your Legacy
Text: Learn how to transition your farm to the next generation. The Wisconsin Farm Center can help you navigate the next steps to keep your farm in the family.
To learn more about the Wisconsin Farm Center, visit or call (800) 942-2474.
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Find Who You Are 
Text: Find your passion through a career in agriculture. The Wisconsin Farm Center can help you discover options that work for you and the life you want to live.
To learn more about the Wisconsin Farm Center, visit or call (800) 942-2474.
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Rural Realities Podcast
“Farm Life Helped Teen Adapt After Tragedy” with Sydni and Sam Mell
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Text: Listen to how growing up on a Wisconsin dairy farm, and having a life in agriculture, helped Sydni Mell and her family adapt after a farm accident. Sydni and Sam used the same mindset that they have used on the farm to keep their heads up, push forward, and make strides in Sydni's recovery. Enjoy this inspiring conversation of tragedy, hope, and determination as Sydni and Sam share their story of a farm accident with Farm Center's Karen Endres.
If you're facing changes on your farm, big or small, contact the Wisconsin Farm Center! With more than 100 years of collective agriculture experience, the Wisconsin Farm Center team offers free and confidential financial and transition planning services, conflict mediation, veterinary diagnostic analysis, and more. They can be reached at 800-942-2474 or More information on programs and services is available at
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