Spill and Remediation Sites

​​​​​​​​​​​The Excel searchable spreadsheet below lists agricultural chemical spill and remediation sites in Wisconsin that are administered by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). Three tabs at the bottom of the screen allow the user to identify spill locations, spill substances, and remediation locations.

List o​f ​​sit​​es​ (updated February 28, 2025​)​​​

Note: The results of your search may not represent a complete list of a​ll activities and locatio​ns with agricultural chemical contamination in the state of Wisconsin. There are some locations for which DATCP has limited information, but no confirmation of discharge to the env​iron​ment and these sites are not included in the database until contamination has been confirmed. Also, DATCP may be unaware of contamination at some properties. Also note that case names, ownership, and addresses may change over time and may not be reflected in this listing. For more information, contact DATCP at (608) 224-4519​ or email datcpaccp@wisco​ns​in.gov​.​​

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