Seed Potato Certification

​Effective in 2018, anyone who plants five or more acres of potatoes in Wisconsin must plant certified seed potatoes, and must keep:

  • A record of the name and location of the seed potato seller

  • A copy of the sales contract and invoice

  • The certification tag for each field for three​ years after planting

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection has the authority to enforce this requirement. 

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection may grant waiver requests to plant uncertified seed potatoes, if there are not enough certified seed potatoes available of a specific variety or genotype and they do not pose a serious disease threat. Waiver request forms are available in the box at right.

These new requirements were created by the Legislature through 2017 Wisconsin Act 46. This act added the requirements to Chapter 94 (Plant Industry) of Wisconsin statutes. The requirements are detailed in ATCP 156 of Wisconsin Adminstrative Code. 

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