Fish Movement

​​​​​An import permit is required:

  • If the fish or fish eggs originate from the wild and are to be delivered to a registered fish farm.
  • If the fish or fish eggs originate from any source out of state and are to be released into a body of water that is not registered as a fish farm (e.g., private pond or waters of the state).

Not required:

  • If the fish or fish eggs originate from another fish farm from out of state and are to be delivered to a registered fish farm.

​Please submit payment through the DATCP Vet Supply Catalog before applying for the Fish Import Permit.​​​​

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources​ has administrative rules regarding importation of non-native species of fish. Some non-native fish include: Arctic char, Atlantic salmon, Chinook salmon, Coho salmon, pink salmon, redear sunfish, tiger trout and tilapia. Stocking fish into waters of the state requires​ a DNR Fish Stocking Permit.​​