Firewood Dealer Certification

​​​​​​​​​​The firewood dealer certification program is voluntary. You can sell firewood in Wisconsin without being certified. If you choose to become certified, you must complete an application form and then have your facilities and processes inspected by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.

All packaged firewood sold in Wisconsin must be labeled, regardless of whether it is certified pest-free. However, certified wood also must bear the DATCP-certified label.

Treatment methods to kill pests:

  • Heat firewood to an internal tempe​rature of 140 degrees F. or higher for at least 60 minutes, or
  • Store firewood on your premises at least 24 months​ before selling or distributing it in Wisconsin, or
  • Treat firewood using a method approved by DATCP​ 

Application Instructions

Certification ​application​

List of currently certified fi​rewood dealers​​

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