Fairs & Shows-Poultry/Waterfowl

​​Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant.​

Poultry and Waterfowl from Within Wisconsin

These animals require one of the following:

  • An NPIP certificate stating that they originate from a U.S. pullorum-typhoid clean or NPIP affiliate flock, or

  • Documentation of being a Wisconsin Tested Flock or Wisconsin Associate Flock, or

  • If they are sexually mature, individual wing or leg band ID and a negative test for pullorum-typhoid (and Mycoplasma gallisepticum for turkeys) within 90 days before arrival at the show

    • Sexually mature birds are over 6 months of age for turkeys and over 4 months of age for other poultry.

    • Birds that are too young for an individual test and that do not originate from an enrolled NPIP, NPIP affiliate, Wisconsin Tested, or Wisconsin Associate flock cannot be shown.

Poultry and Waterfowl from Outside Wisconsin 

These animals require either a VS 9-3 form (Report of Sales of Hatching Eggs, Chicks and Poults) if they come from a flock enrolled in the NPIP program, or a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI). The VS 9-3 or the CVI must state one of the following:

  • ​They originate from a flock classified pullorum-typhoid clean under NPIP or an equivalent state program, or

  • If they are sexually mature, that they have tested negative for pullorum-typhoid (and Mycoplasma gallisepticum for turkeys) within 90 days before arrival at the show. These birds also need wing or leg band ID.​

    • Sexually mature birds are over 6 months of age for turkeys and over 4 months of age for other poultry.

    • Birds that are too young for an individual test and that do not originate from an enrolled NPIP or NPIP affiliate flock or from a flock enrolled in an equivalent state program cannot be shown.