Animal Health Waivers & Special Orders

The following animal health waivers and special orders are active.​


  • June 5, 2020: AH Docket No. 20-O-002. Order granting a waiver from the requirement that animal mange be reported to the department within 10 days. 
  • July 16, 2020: AH Docket No. 20-O-004. Order granting a waiver from PRRS/PED testing requirements, with conditions.
  • February 10, 2021: AH Docket No. 21-O-001. Order granting a waiver from the requirement that birds test negative for Pullorum-Typhoid before commingling at a swap, sale, or auction. 

Special Orders

  • June 11, 2024: AH Docket No. 24-O-003​. Summary special order requiring Influenza A of lactating dairy cattle prior to movement to fairs or exhibitions in Wisconsin.
  • November 18, 2020: AH Docket No. 20-O-005. Summary special order adding SARS-CoV-2 to the list of diseases to be reported to DATCP within one day of diagnosis or credible diagnostic evidence of disease under appendix A of ch. ATCP 10, Wis. Admin. Code.