The Eleva-Strum Sow & Grow Education Project is expanding and improving garden space with additional planting areas, a greenhouse, and hydroponic tower to enrich the educational experiences of students. Enhancement of the existing curriculum provides an interactive environment and foster community involvement. Harvested, fresh produce is being implemented into school meals, the weekend meal program, and be provided to the local community. By expanding the school garden, the project is planting the seeds for a more sustainable future and nurture the growth and development of students in lasting ways.
SDES is expanding existing garden by adding a greenhouse and a hydroponic tower. Chippewa Valley Technical College and Sunbrow Farms is consulting on the greenhouse design and planting schedules. Greenhouse construction and planning the grand opening underway. Partners, students, community members, and Farm to School staff will be invited to celebrate. A partnership for sales has been establish wit the local grocery store. Proceeds from sales will be reinvested into the garden for years to come.
Contact: Kaela Stendahl
Facebook: School District of Eleva-Strum
Instagram: School District of Eleva-Strum (@sdofelevastrum)