Dairy Processor Grants

​​​​​​​​​The application period for Dairy Processor Grants is currently ​closed ​and will reopen in fall of 2024. See the following for more information:

​The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection administers a Dairy Processor Grant program whose goal is to foster innovation, improve profitability and sustain the long-term viability of Wisconsin’s dairy processing facilities.

Eligible applicants must operate a licensed dair​y processing plant in Wisconsi​n engaged in pasteurizing, processing or manufacturi​ng milk or dairy products. Recipients are chosen through a competitive process. A total grant up to $75,000 is available per dai​ry processor per year. The dair​y processor is required to provide a match of at least 20 percent of the grant amount.​

Grant applications are customized by each processor and can be used to​ hire con​sultants to add​ress a wide range of business needs including food safety, staff training,​ or modernization.


May 15, 2023: DATCP Announces 2023 Dairy Processor Grant Recipients​

October 24, 2022: DATCP Dairy Processor Grant Application Open through January 30

April 27, 2022: Gov. Evers, DATCP Announce 2022 Dairy Processor Grant Recipients​

November 16, 2021: DATCP Dairy Processor Grant Application Open through January 7

May 18, 2021: DATCP Announces 2021 Dairy Processor Grant Recipients