U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Trade Mission to India

​From April 22-25, 2024, representatives from 11 State Departments of Agriculture and 47 American businesses and organizations traveled to New Delhi, India​ as part of a U.S. Department of Agriculture agribusiness trade mission. ​​Krista Knigge, Administrator of DATCP’s Division of Agricultural Development, participated in the ​trade mission.


USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis M. Taylor ​​with State Department of Agriculture representatives. 

With the second largest population in the world, the number of citizens in India under age 30 is equal to the size of the entire US population.​ Animal agriculture industry products, including value-added animal feed and bovine genetics, are among Wisconsin's top agricultural exports to India. Fruits and vegetables, including cranberries, are also a top Wisconsin export to the country. 


    Under Secretary Taylor participates in a discussion with the India Business Council and                                 North Dakota Business, Marketing & Information Division Director Johnson and DATCP                                                                   industry representatives.                                                                                      Administrator Knigge at the Women in Agriculture Event: Master Class with Next Generation of                                                                                                                                                                                      Female Chefs/Entrepreneurs at the Institute of Hotel Management (IHM) Demonstration Kitchen. 

Export opportunities on the horizon include consumer healthy food products and ingredients, as store shelves and markets in India are featuring more healthy snacks and foods promoting wellness. A strong tradition of herbal medicine use in India also provides an opportunity to introduce Wisconsin ginseng to the country. 


Cranberry packaging at NutRaj, a women-owned processing facility in India.​

For more information on this trade mission, read Food Export Association of the Midwest USA and Food Export USA–Northeast's recap: M​ore than 500 Business-to-Business Meetings During Trade Mission to India.