2025 Clean Sweep Grant Applications Now Closed
Completed grant applications closed on May 24, 2024.
Program Information

The Wisconsin Clean Sweep is a grant program available to governmental entities and Tribes throughout Wisconsin that provides reimbursement to these entities for the collection and disposal of household hazardous waste, agriculture pesticides, and prescription drugs. Businesses that generate very small quantities of hazardous waste may also have the opportunity to use these collections. Collections may be one-day events or may be year-round sites-this all varies from entity to entity.
The Clean Sweep program started out as the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection's (DATCP) way to collect and dispose of Agriculture hazardous waste. In 2003, state legislature merged the DNR's existing Household Hazardous waste program with DATCP's agriculture hazardous waste program under the jurisdiction of DATCP. The Clean Sweep's reach was extended to unwanted prescription drugs in 2007.
As of today, the Clean Sweep has collected over 4 million pounds of agriculture waste, over 39 million pounds of household hazardous waste, and over 500,000 pounds of unwanted prescription drugs.
Final Report Documents
Final reports are still due within 60 days of your Clean Sweep project completion and reimbursements will be processed within 60 days of receipt of your complete final report.
All final report documents can be accessed by visiting the Clean Sweep Final Report Materials webpage.
Clean Sweep Timeline
Grant solicitation/application request:
| April
Grant review and scoring:
| June/July
Allocate and announce funding:
| August
Contracts out:
| September/October
Final reports from current year:
| Fall through winter