Bureau of Weights and Measures

​​​​​​​​​​​The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade an​d Consumer​ Protection (DATCP) conducts routine inspections to ensure that consumers receive their money's worth in Wisconsin stores. It also regulates petroleum storage tanks and fuel quality​. Find our weights and measures resources on this w​ebpage.​​

​​​What W​e D​o​​​​

  • Regularly monitor the accuracy of gas pumps, price scanners, scales, and package weights.
  • Investigate complaints involving ​w​eights and measures devices.
  • ​Review system design ​pre-installation plans for storage and dispensing system installations, modifications, and upgrades.
  • Permit, register, and inspect fl​ammable and combustible liquid storage tanks.
  • Inspect and test liquid petroleum products.
  • Credential companies and technicians who work with storage tanks and specific weights and measures devices​.​
  • Maintain the State of Wisconsin weight standards in the Wisconsin Weights and Measures Metrology Laboratory.
 find a service company              FIL​E A w&M COMPLAINT             report a spill


New! February 27, 2025: Why do Weights and Measures Matter to Wisconsin Consumers?

New! DATCP acknowledges EPA final rulemaking on gasoline ethanol blends effective April 29, 2025. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule on February 29, 2024, regarding 40 CFR Part 1090, Regulation of Fuels, Fuel Additives, and Regulated Blendstocks. Effective April 29, 2025, summer gasoline-ethanol blended fuels containing between 9 and 15 percent ethanol, retailed in Wisconsin within EPA Clean Air Act (CAA) attainment areas will have a Reid vapor pressure (RVP) limit of 9.0 psi. The retail summertime fuel regulation period is between June 1 and September 15. The EPA final rule can be found here. A press release announcing the EPA will uphold the effective date can be found here.​

Training Opportunities: ​​

  • Steel Tank Institute/Steel Fabricators Association (STI-SPFA) is offering their Cathodic Protection (CP) course June 10-12, 2025 in Madison, ​WI. STI/SPFA's CP course is focused on the real-world needs of individuals and companies that plan to conduct field testing of cathodic protection monitoring systems. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required. Register online at: STI/SPFA - Cathodic Protection Course - Madison WI​.​

Gasoline-Ethanol ​Blends Minimum Temperature: ​On October 4, 2024, DATCP issued a guidance document specifying enforcement discretion for fuel supply chain stakeholders at the minimum temperature for 50% evaporation for gasoline-ethanol blended fuels.​​​​

Sign up​ to receive news notifications and industry updates from DATCP.​​

​Quick Links

Fact Sheets   |   DATCP Consumer Protection   |   DATCP Business Trade Practices   |   DNR   |   DSPS​


Weights and Measures

DATCP inspects and calibrates measuring devices
to ensure consumers get their money's worth.




P​etroleum and ​Storage Tanks

Storage tank systems for petroleum and
hazardous liquids are regulated by DATCP.



​Licensing, Permitting, and Registration

Learn about​ requirements for service companies,
weights and measures devices, and storage tanks​.



Service Companies and Technicians

Service companies and technicians in Wisconsin
must be certified or licensed by DATCP.


Microscope green icon​​

Laboratory Services

Thousands of tests are conducted every year in
DATCP's metrology and fuel quality lab.


Teacher with students icon​​

Training and ​Continuing Education

Tank installers and system inspectors must
receive continuing education to remain certified.