Worker Protection Standard

​​​​​​​​​​The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection enforces the federal ​Worker Protection Standard (WPS) in Wisconsin. The WPS is a regulation issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency intended to use information, training, and practices to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure for pesticide handlers and other workers producing crops:

  • On farms​​​
  • In forests
  • In nurseries
  • In greenhouses

Workers and handlers include employees, self-employed contractors and, in some cases, owners. ​

Qualified Trainers Under Worker Protection Standard

The WPS requires that employers be qualified to conduct pesticide safety training for their workers and pesticide handlers, or to use a qualified trainer. A qualified trainer meets at least one of these criteria:

  • Be a currently certified pesticide applicator
  • Complete UW-Extension pesti​cide applicator training and take the exam to get certified
  • Complete the Environmental Protection Agency's PowerPoint-based curriculum for Train the Trainer. 
If the trainer is a certified pesticide applicator or gets certified, no further action is needed.