Music Royalties Collection

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Music royalties collections are governed by Wis. ​Stat​. § 100.20​6, which regulates the business practices of performing rights societies. Pe​rforming rights societies are associations or corporations that license the public performance of musical works on behalf of one or more copyright owners.​

Required and Prohibited Practices​

Duties and requirements of performing rights societies include:

  • Annually file with the Wisconsin Depa​rtment of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)​ a list of contract documents, a current list of copyright owners represented, and a list of licensed musical works.​​

  • ​​​​​Make available upon the request of a proprietor (i.e. retail establishments or restaurants including inns, bars, taverns, or sports/entertainment facilities) information about whether a specific musical work is licensed by the performing rights society, or, at the proprietor’s expense, any information required to be filed with DATCP.

  • Before entering into contracts, performing rights societies must provide a written notice to the proprietor.

  • All contracts between performing rights societies and proprietors must be in writing and specify each party to the contract, the contract length, and a schedule of the rates and terms of royalties to be collected.​

Prohibited practices by performing rights societies include:​​

  • Entering a business to discuss a contract ​without proper identification.

  • Coercive conduct that disrupts the business premises.

  • Deceptive acts in negotiating a contract or in collecting royalties.

  • ​Failure to comply with the contract requirements.​


Penalties include civil remedy to recover damages, court costs, and reasonable attorney fees.