How to Comply Manuals for Commercial Pesticide Use

​​Here you can view and download complete How to Comply Manuals for agricultural, ​aquatic and mosquito, structural and landscape pesticide use. You can also view and download individual sections of each of those manuals.

Complete Manuals

Agricultural Pesticide Application How to Comply Manual

Aquatic and Mosquito Pesticide Application How to Comply Manual

Structural Pesticide Application How to Comply Manual

Landscape Pesticide Application How to Comply Manual


Sections of Manuals

General sections for all users

State and Federal Pesticide Regulations

How to Become a Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator

Commercial Pesticide Applicator Certification (includes categories)

Individual Commercial Applicator Licenses

Commercial Pesticide Application Business Licenses

Advanced Notice of a Pesticide Application

Requesting Advanced Notice of Applications Labeled "Highly Toxic to Bees"

Commercial Pesticide Application Records and Information to Customer

Storing and Transporting Pesticides and Fertilizers

Pesticide Use and Disposal

Example of Request for Advance Notice of Aerial Application 

Sections for agricultural pesticide users

Compliance Checklist

Agricultural Pesticide Applications (signage, atrazine restrictions, records and information to customers)


Worker Protection Standard 

Sections for aquatic and mosquito control pesticide users

Compliance Checklist

Aquatic and Mosquito Pesticide Applications (DNR permits, certification requirements, signage and notification)


Sections for structural pesticide users

Compliance Checklist

Structural Pesticide Applications (information to consumers, notice to residents, records, signage)

Where Did You Apply Pesticide? (recording specific spots where pesticide was applied)

Labeling for Rodenticide Bait Stations 

Sections for landscape pesticide users

Compliance Checklist

Landscape Pesticide Applications (landscape registry, information to consumers and others, signage, applications to golf courses and cemeteries)