Agricultural Chemical Spills

​​​​​Anyone who spills fertilizers or pesticides is legally responsible for cleaning up the spill if it harms or threatens to harm public health or the environment, regardless of the amount of the spill.

You must report pesticide or fertilizer spills immediately to the Spills Hotline if the amount is:

  • ​250 pounds or more of dry fertilizer

  • 25 gallons or more of liquid fertilizer

  • Enough pesticide to cover one acre or more if applied at label rates

The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection staff can provide technical assistance in cleanups. One common cleanup method is landspreading the contaminated soil, which requires a permit from DATCP. Staff will also provide information about the Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program, which may reimburse some cleanup costs.

If you spill products other than fertilizer or pesticides, call the Emergency ​​Spills Hotline to see if it must be reported.