Blanket Import Permits

Because Wisconsin does not issue import permits after business hours or on weekends, organizers of sales where permits are required will need to obtain a blanket permit number in advance of the sale.

Blanket permits would be used primarily for swine sales. They could​ also be used for sales that include cattle from the TB Modified Accredited zone in Michigan. It might be applicable in other circumstances (sales of exotics, wild raptor imports, etc.). Blanket permits are not used for routine imports.

Examples of when a blanket permit is appropriate:

  • A feeder swine sale at an out-of-state sales barn and all swine at the sale have not tested negative to PRRS or SECD within 90 days prior to import

  • When pigs from more than one herd are commingled for a sale at a private farm, fair, or exhibition and all swine at the sale have not tested negative to PRRS or SECD within 90 days prior to import

  • A Wisconsin buyer visits an out-of-state show pig grower on a weekend day to select and purchase animals and the pigs may not originate from a herd that has tested negative to PRRS and SECD within 90 days prior to import

  • A Wisconsin DNR-licensed falconer plans to travel to another state in hopes of bringing back a wild-capture raptor

Examples of when a regular import permit, not a blanket permit, is appropriate:

  • A scheduled shipment of feeder swine (even if the shipment takes place on a weekend)

  • A prearranged private treaty sale of specific show swine

  • A Wisconsin DNR-licensed falconer purchases a preselected raptor from another state 

If you are uncertain about which permit is appropriate, call (608) 224-4874 during regular business hours to discuss with a Wisconsin Division of Animal Health staff member.

Blanket Permit for Imports

To obtain a blanket permit for a swine import:

To obtain a blanket permit for the import or species other than swine:

If everything is in order, a permit number will be issued to you.

At the sale: 

  • Write this number on all CVIs for animals entering Wisconsin.

  • Make sure the CVIs contain all the required information as is noted in the instructions.

On the first working day after the sale, either:

  • Fax all CVIs for Wisconsin-bound animals to (608) 224-4871, OR

  • Call (608) 224-4874 to tell the import coordinator that no animals from the sale will be entering Wisconsin.