Petitioning for Agricultural Enterprise Area (AEA) Designation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Slide from 2020 AEA Petition Process WebinarThe Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer​ Protection (DATCP) accepts AEA ​petitions requesting designation once a year. Wisconsin law allows up to two million acres to be designated as agricultural enterprise areas. Petitions are developed through the cooperation of the landowners and town and county governments where the proposed area is located.

​Greenville-Greenbelt AEA, Outagamie County

The Agricultural Enterprise Area petition period for 2024 is closed. If you are interested in petitioning for a future cycle, you can review the 2024 petition application below. Petition applications can be found below. ​Petition instructions are incorporated into the application. The petition applications​​ for 2025 will be posted this winter.​

Agricultural Enterprise Area modification petitions for the 2024​ cycle can be found below. A modification petition is used to amend an existing AEA, often times to add new landowners to a boundary. Petition modification instructions are incorporated into the application and include details on modification components and submission.

Digital Signature Pages for the Petition Application:

Please contact Wednesday Jordan at with any questions, or to schedule an informational meeting regarding the petition process. 

​​Example of Successful Petitions​

New Petitions
Modification Petitions
​Montana Society for Responsible Land Use AEA (2021) Town of Grant AEA, Dunn County (2020)
Cicero Blackmour A​EA, Outagamie County (2020)
Greenville Greenbelt AEA, Outagamie County (2015)
Bear Creek AEA, Sauk County (2019)
​​Antigo Flats AEA, Langlade County (2012)

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