Farm to School & Institution

​​​Wisconsin Farm to School Grant Program

With one-time funding from a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm to School grant, DATCP is piloting the Wisconsin Farm to School Grant Program. The Wisconsin Farm to School Grant Program is made possible by an award that DATCP received from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s (USDA-FNS) Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program. USDA-FNS’s Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program is funded by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NLSA) (42 U.S.C. 1751, et seq.) and has the objective of improving access to local foods in eligible schools through comprehensive farm to school programming that includes local procurement and agricultural education efforts. A total of $250,000 is available and will be awarded through a competitive grant process. Grant awards can range from $10,000 up to $40,000. The goal of the Wisconsin Farm to School Grant Program is to enable communities to develop farm to school partnerships, implement farm to school initiatives, and strengthen Wisconsin’s statewide farm to school network. Successful projects will gather impact and outcome data, measure demand for this grant program and capture success stories to leverage ongoing support and funding for this grant program. 

DATCP is proud to support Wisconsin recipients of the Lake Michigan School Food System Innovation Hub and SPARK and Innovation Collaborative grant funds to address school food system and marketplace improvements, and promoting systems-level change that allow for scaling up of programs, regional partnerships, or new program or product development and integration.

To learn more about the recipients and their projects:

Wisconsin Act 293 was created to: promote the use of locally grown food in school meals and snacks, grant ​rule−making authority and create the Farm to School Council.​

DATCP Farm to School Advisory Council members are nominated and appointed by the Secretary of DATCP. The council is comprised of 15 individuals, including a DATCP employee, DPI employee, DHS employee, and 12 other members who are farmers, experts in child health, school food service personnel, and others with interests in agriculture, nutrition, and education appointed by the DATCP Secretary. The council makes key recommendations to the DATCP Secretary that guide the development of Farm to School in Wisconsin and creates the required annual Wisconsin Farm to School Annual Report for the legislature under Wis. Stat. s. 93.49 (5) .​

DATCP Farm to School Advisory Council

DATCP Farm to School Advisory Council Nomination Form

DATCP Agricultural Development Division provides services through a Farm to School and Institution Specialist focusing on procurement and economic development for farmers by supporting and facilitating connections along local food supply chains from producer to processor, buyer, and ultimately to people's plates.

DATCP partners with the Department of Public Instruction to provide technical assistance to Wisconsin producers and food service directors on developing farm to school partnerships and practices through a Farm to School Marketplace.

Farm to School (F2S) initiatives are the practice of participating in and promoting the use of locally sourced foods in school meal programs. Key elements of F2S are engaging with procurement, nutrition education, and school gardens.

Farm to Early Care Education (F2ECE) initiatives are the practices of participating in and promoting the use of locally sourced foods in school meal programs. Key elements of F2ECE are engaging with procurement, nutrition education, and school gardens.

Farm to Institution initiatives is the practice of engaging and developing regional food system supply chains to provide local food to eaters through institutional kitchens such as corporate and college campuses, hospitals, and food banks.​


April Yancer, Farm to School and Institution Program Specialist​