Farmer Mental Health Toolkit


Myth Busting Menta​​l Health ​Stigm​​​​as​​​​

Text: Your mental health is important. Learn about the myths and facts regarding farmer wellness and mental health, and check out the many Farmer Wellness Program resources offered by the Wisconsin Farm Center at

Downloadable Video:

Myth Busting Mental Health Stigamas.mp4

Talk About Children's Mental Health

Text: It’s essential to talk about children’s mental health. Wisconsin farmers and their families are eligible for resources offered by the Wisconsin Farm Center. Start the conversation today and keep it going year-round. Learn more at​​​

Downloadable Graphic:

Social media graphic

Facing Addiction​

Text: Are you or someone you know facing addiction? The Wisconsin Farm Center is here to help. Learn more at​​

Downloadable Graphic:​

Social media graphic