Tribal Elder Community Food Box Program

​​​​The 2025 Tribal Elder Community Food Box Program Grant period is open for applications through March 16, 2025. The 2025 Request for Proposals and Grant Application documents are available through the links below.​

​The 2023-2025 State Budget included $1.5 million annually for a Tribal Elder Community Food Box Program.

93.485 Tribal elder community food box program. From the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (k), the department shall provide grants to one or more nonprofit food assistance organizations for the purpose of purchasing and distributing food to tribal elders and for the purpose of supporting the growth and operations of food producers participating in the program under this section.

Rules for the Tribal Elder Community Foo​d Box Program will follow Wisconsin Administrative Code ch. ATCP 163, which is the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Administrative Rule for Grants (proposals, evaluations, contracts, verifications, and public access).

DATCP recognizes the significance of food sovereignty to the Tribal nations and values the opportunity to collaborate through this funding to purchase and distribute culturally appropriate foods in the Tribal nations.​ ​The program launched​ in February ​2024​. To receive updates, sign up through GovDelivery.