Organic Farming and Food

​​​Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP)

The OCCSP helps organic farmers and processors pay for organic certification. Funding comes from the federal government, and the program is administered through DATCP.

Organic farms and companies that sell, process, or package certified organic agricultural products are eligible to receive 75% of certification-related costs incurred, with a maximum of $750 for each category/scope if they meet the following criteria:

  • ​They received initial or continuation/renewal of certification or are in the process of becoming certified organic to USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards in the appropriate time period, and

  • The certified operation is located in Wisconsin.

If you are certified in more than one scope, you are eligible for up to $750.00 for each scope. The four scopes are:

  • Crops
  • Livestock
  • Wild crops
  • Handler/Processor

Funding for this program is provided by and contingent upon funds provided by cooperative agreement between the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. (DATCP).

Reimbursable certification costs must be receipted by the certifying agency during the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. Reimbursable costs can include an​y certification related expenses paid to the certifying agency including inspection and user fees. Late fees, membership dues, and penalties are not eligible for reimbursement. Applications should be submitted by Monday, December 16, 2024 to guarantee reimbursement.

To apply, fill out the 2024 OCCSP application and return it to the DATCP Organic Cost Share Program by mail, email, or online form.

Supporting documentation, and forms for new applicants, are required to process reimbursement payments. Supporting documentation includes both proof of certification and proof of payment. Please note that cancelled checks or invoices that do not show proof of payment are not an acceptable form of documentation. Certifiers may provide DATCP with supporting documentation, but certifying agencies must agree to do this.

New applicants will also need to complete and submit a W-9 and a new supplier form.

Applicants may submit applications without including supporting documentation or new applicant forms. Applications or their certifier may submit these at a later date via any of the three methods listed above: mail, email or online form.

New applicant forms:

​USDA Organic Integrity Database

Are you looking for an organic farm or business? Use the USDA's Organic Integrity Database to find a specific certified organic operation, or search for operations with specific characteristics. ​​

Organic Integrity Database 

You can search and filter by many different categories and keywords. For a full list of search criteria, click on the green “advanced search" button. Search criteria include:

  • Certifier
  • Operation name
  • Contact last name
  • Location, such as city, state, and/or county
  • Certification status
  • Scopes (crops, livestock, handling, and/or wild crops)
  • Business type

You can select just one or many different search criteria to narrow down your search results. Once you have completed your search you can download the organic certificates and export the list to an Excel spreadsheet. USDA-Accredited Certifying Agents update this list on a regular basis. Click here for a USDA FAQ on the Organic Integrity Database.

​​Organic Advisory Council

The 13-member Organic Advisory Council (OAC) provides guidance to the DATCP Secretary, the Governor, the Legislature, and other state agencies on actions that can be taken to further the Wisconsin organic industry. ​Visit DATCP's Wisconsin Organic Advisory Council webpage to learn more about the OAC.​

Organic Cer​tification and Cost Share Program Webinar ​

Presenters from DATCP, FSA, and Marbleseed (previously called MOSES) share tips on how to become certified organic, apply for cost share reimbursement, and access org​anic learning opportunities. 


Wisconsin Local Food Marketing Guide: A 106-page guide for food producers interested in entering local food markets. ​

Wisconsin Consumer's Guide to Organic Food: An 18-page overview of organic agriculture, organic certification, and the benefits organic agriculture provides. Additional promotional materials associated with this guide can be downloaded at the same link.  

